Summer schools 2019

In 2019 summer schools will be organized between 11th July and 15th August

As usual there are 5 programmes you can choose from:

Application form

Application deadline: 29 March 2019.

You can taste the unique atmosphere here:

Summer schools 2018

In 2018 summer schools will be organized between 12th July and 16th August. You can choose the one which suits you the best:

Summer schools 2017

Following the success of the 2015 and 2016 summer schools the Faculty of Education is happy to announce that there will be another set of summer schools for international students between 13 July and 18 August 2017. This year the schools cover:


    Summer schools 2016

    Following a very successful event of last year, also this summer the Faculty of Education continues in organizing summer schools for international students. There are four schools that will be held between 13th July and 16th August 2015. The schools are focused on: 


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